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a) What are sound waves?
b) Who discovered them?
c) How do they work?
d) What type of wave are they?

Essential questions

Key terms

-Sine function: when the sine of and angel is plotted against that angle measurement
-Domain: the set of all real numbres in a sine function
-Range: the set of result values a function can produce
-Amplitude: the height from the mean value of the function to its maximum or minimum
-Period: the distance required for the function to complete one full cycle 
-Sinusodial function: a curve similar to the sine wave but with a shift in phase or amplitude
-Medium: surrounding objects, conditions, or influences; environment


-Sound waves are the patterns of disturbance that are caused by the moving energy traveling through air, water or another medium as they go away from the source
-The vibration that the source of the sound creates disturbs the particles in the medium they're in and those particles start to disturb others as well. This goes on and the disturbances begin to get weaker until they no longer happen.
-Sound waves are translated into electrical signal and measured in Hertz (cycles per second)
-They go from 20 to 20,000 Hertz (perceptible by humans)
- These waves are longitudinal, which means they're waves in which the displacement or the medium goes in the same direction as the wave's

Interesting facts

-Dogs can hear at a higher frequency than humans. That's why they hear noises we don't
-Sound moves four times faster when traveling through water than when traveling through air
-The speed of sound is around 343 meters per second (767 miles per hour)
-The reason we are able to hear different sounds is because our ear also vibrates
-When whales communicate with each other, their sound can travel up to 800 km through the ocean


-General formula for sine function: y= A sin (wx)
-General formula for sinusodial function: y= A sin (wx + O) + B
**(Amplitude, trigonometric function, frecuency, x, phase shift, vertical shift)
-General formula for sound waves: y= sin (2π x 440x)
**x = times (multiply)
-Standard pitch = 440 Hertz (cycles per second)

Mathematical model

Amplitude and period determine the sound created:
-Amplitude indicates the energy or loudness of a sound
-The period determines its pitch (or frequency)
-Sound waves are represented in sinusodial graphs

Uses and history

-SONAR (Sound Navigation And Ranging)
Mathematical development
-Galileo stated that the frequency of sound waves determined the pitch
-In the 1500s Leonardo Da Vinci discovered that sound travels in waves
-In the 1600s Robert Boyle said that the waves had to travel through a medium
-In the late 1600s Isaac Newton found a relationship between the speed of sound and the density of a medium
-In the 1700s Daniel bermuoli said that a string could have more than one frequency


Real Examples

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