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Shakespeare Webquest


1. How much do we know about Shakespeare's life? Why?
Not much, he did not let much information, we just know what is found in his works and some church papers.
2. Where was Shakespeare born?
3. What date was he born on?
April 23, 1564.
4. Did Shakespeare ever get married? If so, to whom?
Yes, Anne Hathaway.
5. Shakespeare established himself as an....
An actor and playwright.
6. What day did he die? What is unusual about this date?
April 23, 1616, it was his birthday.
7. What did he leave his wife in his will?  
"My second best bed."
8. What were the two major religions in Elizabethan England?
Catholic and Protestant.
9. Who dictated the favored religion?
Reigning monarchs.
10. Which Monarchs reigned during this time? When?
Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth
11. Which religion did each Monarch believe in?
Queen Mary was Catholic and Queen Elizabeth was protestant.
12. How did each Monarch treat those who did not follow their favored religion?
Queen Mary burned alive people who weren’t Catholic, as Queen Elizabeth believed people should believe what they wanted without fear.
13. Why did Queen Elizabeth I ban all performances of religious plays and stories?
Because she wanted to stop violence over religion.
14. What was the Elizabethan Period?
The age of new ideas and new thinking.
15. When was this period?
16. What was the most significant invention of this time and why?
The printing press, it was a tool made for increasing knowledge and learning.
17. What did this lead to a renewed interest in?
The Supernatural.
18. During this period, what were unexplained events blamed on?
19. Why were people of this period superstitious?
Some people already knew too much about witches, ghosts and supernatural, this made them believe in superstitious and supernatural things.
20. What were the four humours and what were they associated with? 
Blood, bile, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. It was associated with four temperaments, choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic.
21. How was Elizabethan class structure maintained? 
Establishing girls education and overall education mostly the best education (private) very expensive, this so only wealthy people would send their children there and would remain the same class structure.
22. What was the Chain of Being and what did it uphold? 
“Everything in the world has its own place” No matter what you do, you cannot make your way up in the chain. You are all that you are born with, for the rest of your life, no matter what you do to try and change it.
23. What is the Rotae Fortuna?
The wheel belongs to the goddess Fortuna, who spins it at random, changing the positions of those on the wheel - some suffer great misfortune, others gain windfalls.
24. What did education depend on?
Financial standing and social class.
25. What was the main purpose of schooling?
Teach children the appropriate behavior for their social class.
26. Why were students taught Latin?     
Because it was the language of the educated people throughout Europe.
27. What were girls from wealthy families educated in?
Private schools.
29. Why were courses in university conducted in Latin?
Because it was the language of international affairs and they said if people wanted to make their way in the world, they had to learn Latin.
30. What was the general feeling towards plays during this period in time?
Authorities didn’t allow them, so they opened them where they wouldn’t notice.
31. What was the name of the first theatre?
The Theatre.
32. What was the name of them most famous theatre?
The Globe.
33. What happened to this theatre?
During a performance, a cannon was fired and the roof caught on fire, so the whole building burned down.
34. Where did people sit or not sit?
Most people stood in an open pit in front of the stage, but rich people sat beside the stage.
35. When did they have performances? Why?
In the afternoon because there was no artificial lighting, so they couldn't do it at night
36. How many women performed in these plays?
No women; men would play their parts.
37. What did the audience do if they didn't like the performance?
They would start talking loudly to show they weren’t interested.
38. What does Shakespeare's work provide reference for?
Life in his time.
39. What were Shakespeare's histories a tribute to?
British Monarchy and to Britain itself.
40. What was Shakespeare attempting to do with these tributes?
Paying homage to Elizabeth and England.
41. How many words did Shakespeare invent?
He invented around 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words never before used together, adding prefixes and suffixes.
42. Give an example of a word or phrase we have gotten from Shakespeare. Compromise, circumstantial, or gossip.
43. Name one poet who was influenced by Shakespeare.
Ben Jonson.



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